19780312-NewYork Times (pdf) - "Trends in New Music on Disks", John Rockwell, an article citing the first six Lovely Music releases
19780515-Women's Week (pdf) - "Mimi Johnson Make's Lovely Music", Charlotte Warren, an article citing the first six Lovely Music releases
19780700-KAOS Program Guide (pdf) - On 1001, 1031, 1041
19780913-P.S. Paper-The New Music-Recordings (pdf) - an article citing the first six Lovely Music releases
19781218-Village Voice-Artservices (pdf) - "The Selling of the Avant Garde" by Terry Curtis Fox
19790100-Synapse-Lovely First Releases (pdf) - an article on the first Lovely Music releases
19790618-New West Magazine-Susan Subtle (pdf) - a brief announcement of the first Lovely Music releases
19800000-OP Magazine (pdf) - Steve Peters interviews Mimi Johnson, Issue "D", Winter 1980
19821226-New York Times-Lovely Music Live (pdf)
19830605-New York Times-Rockwell (pdf) - Oliveros, Reynolds
19871108-EAR Magazine (pdf) - an article about Mimi Johnson and the beginnings of Lovely Music
19880119-Newsday (pdf) - an article about Mimi Johnson
19880300-Elle Magazine (pdf) - an article about Mimi Johnson