Christian Wolff
CUES: Writings &
MusikTexte, Koln
Köln 1999,
English-German edition, 544 pages.
- Frederic Rzewski: The Algebra of Everyday Life
In General and on Own Work
- Choice and Necessity. At work
Immobility in Motion. New and Electronic Music
- Precise Actions under Variously Indeterminate Conditions. On Form
- "... something hazardous with which we may try ourselves". Questions
- Whole New Areas of Unpredictability. Electricity and Music
- Taking Chances. From a conversation with Victor Schonfield
- "... let the listeners be just as free as the players". Fragments to make up an interview
- What Are We Doing? Conversation with Ildi Ivanji
- "There is no such thing as nothing". Conversation with Walter Zimmermann
- Using the Past to Serve the Present. On political texts and new
- Under the Influence. On John Cage
- Before the Fact. On notation
- "...can't shake Webern's influence". Conversation with Gerald Gable
- Open to Whom and to What. On the theory of open form in new music
- Revolutionary Noise. Floating rhythm and experimental
- What is our work? On experimental music
- Quiet Music. On a Composition Seminar in Boswil
- In a Kind of No-Man's Land. Conversation with Cole Gagne
- "Anything you want to know you can know!" Conversation with Markus Trunk
- Changes and Continuities. Sketch of a Statement
- On My Work. Statement
- Free to Exercise Identity. Music-Work-Experiement-Politics
About Others' Work
- A Music with Real Life in It. Re Charles Ives
- Randomly Fixed Points. On the music of Anton Webern
- Anarchic Individualism and Socialism. Letter to Heinz-Klaus Metzger
- Benign Ghosts. On John Cage
- Burdocks. For Merce
- "... then some music was really happening."
- John Cage, Morton Feldman: Radio Happenings I-V
- Tender and Tough as Nails. Three Statements on Morton Feldman
- The Sound Doesn't Look Back. On Morton Feldmans Piano Piece 1952
- "... how he made all the difference." Thinking of David Tudor
- Towards a New Unity. Rzewski's The People United Will never Be Defeated
- Moral Issues and Musical Practices. Briefly on Cornelius Cardew and John Cage.
- On the Death of Cornelius Cardew
- A Dimension of Perfectly Ordinary Reality. On Keith Rowe's music
- Surprise and Discovery. Parker and Prévost
- A Drama of Struggle. On Dieter Schnebels Marsyas
- Closely Listened To. For Ernstalbrecht Stiebler
- Discontinuities. Orestes by Euripides
Prose Scores
- Prose Collection
- Instrumentalist(s)-Singer(s)
Program Notes
- String Trio
- For Prepared Piano
- For Magnetic Tape I
- For Piano I
- Suite (I)
- Duo for Pianists I
- Duo for Pianists II
- For Pianist
- For Five or Ten Players
- In Between Pieces
- For One, Two or Three People
- Septet
- Pairs
- Stones
- Burdocks
- Lines
- Accompaniments
- Changing the System
- Exercises 1-18
- Bread and Roses
- The Death of Mother Jones
- Braverman Music
- Hay Una Mujer Desaparecida
- Preludes 1-11
- Isn't This a Time
- Exercise 22 (Bread and Roses for John)
- Piano Song (I am a Dangerous Woman)
- Eisler Ensemble Pieces
- Peace Marches
- "I Like to Think of Harriet Tubman"
- For Morty (1987) & Digger Song
- From Leaning Forward
- Exercise 27
- Emma
- Mayday Materials
- Malvina
- Rosas
- For Si
- Look She Said
- Tuba Song
- Aina gonna study war no more
- Merce
- Peggy
- Flutist and Guitarist
- Two Pianists
- Responsibility
- Memory
- Aarau Songs
- Percussionist Songs
- Spring
- Pieces for Julius
- Trio III
- Violist and Percussionist
- John, David
List of Works
Index of Names
LM BK006
ISBN 3-9803151-3-4
Euros 30.00 (from MusikTexte)