OUTSIDE OF TIME: Ideas about Music
9 3/8 x 6 3/4 in., 656 pages.
English-German Edition
- At the Round Table
by Alvin Lucier
- Editor’s Preface
by Ralf Dietrich
- The Sparser the More Necessary
by Gisela Gronemeyer and Reinhard Oehlschlägel
- Acknowledgements
by Robert Ashley
Towards a New Kind of Opera
- Speech as Music. A Musical Autobiography
- Reinventing the Wheel. Different Periods in My Work
- The Dream of a Sound. Some Characteristics of My Music
- “. . . to begin again with music.” Important Elements in My Musical Life
- Variations on the Drone. A None-Timeline Concept
- Proportions in Music. The Meaning and Character of Numbers
- A New Kind of Opera. Contemporary Opera in the United States
- “. . . and break my heart.” The Difference Between Speaking and Singing
- “We need more music.” Opera versus Recital
- Stories from Real Life. Music with “Characters”
- A Typical Score. Production Notebooks and How They are Used
- “Where do the ideas come from?” Opera Subjects and Libretti
- “Everybody knows exactly what to do.” Working with Strict Formulas
- Style and Technique. Performance Practice
- Music has Become a Mystery Again. A New Definition of “Form”
- All Music Can Be Understood. Music with Roots in the Aether
- And So it Goes, Depending. Perfect Lives (Private Parts)
- The Magic of Collaboration. Perfect Lives and the “Template”
- Telling Stories in an Unusual Way. Atalanta (Acts of God)
- A Kind of History of America. A Grand Opera Tetralogy
- A Wonderful Jungle Full of Exotic Things. Celestial Excursion
- Letting Off Steam. The Immortality Songs
Discovering the Musicality of Speech. Mills College /
Die Musikalität der Sprache entdecken. Mills College
- The Most Difficult Job in the World. Teaching at Mills
- Illusion Models
- Dreaming in Public. Three Works from the Seventies
- In Sara, Mencken, Christ and Beethoven There Were Men and Women
John Barton Wolgamot
- The Sound of Words
The ONCE Festival and/und the ONCE Group
- Public Opinion Descends Upon the Demonstrators
- in memoriam . . .
- Evening. Stage Version from in memoriam . . . Kit Carson
- The Wolfman for amplified voice and tape
- Kittyhawk (An Antigravity piece)
- Combination Wedding and Funeral
- Joy Road Interchange
- Unmarked Interchange
- Entrance
- Frogs
- The Trial of Anna Opie Wehrer and Unknown Accomplices . . .
- “Music has to be about something.” The ONCE Group
- Collections of Images. The ONCE Group Pieces
- Conceptual Pieces. Instructions and Annotations
- Thinking about the Sound of Speech. Lectures to Be Sung
- When the Virus Kills the Body . . .
- A Last Futile Stab at Fun
Program and Liner Notes
- The Fox (1957)
- Sonata . . . (1959–1960)
- The Bottleman (1960)
- Music for the ONCE Festival 1961–1966
- in memoriam . . . Esteban Gómez (quartet) (1963)
- The Wolfman (1964)
- The Wolfman Tape (1964)
- That Morning Thing (1967)
- She Was a Visitor (1967)
- The Wolfman Motorcity Revue (1967–1968)
- String Quartet Describing the Motions of Large Real Bodies (1974)
- How Can I Tell the Difference? (1974)
- Automatic Writing (1979)
- Perfect Lives (1978–1980)
- Atalanta (Acts of God) (1982–1987)
- Au Pair (1982–1987)
- Empire (1982–1991)
- Basic 10 (1988)
- Superior Seven (1988)
- Tract (1958–1992)
- Outcome Inevitable (1991)
- Now Eleanor’s Idea (1993)
- Foreign Experiences (1994)
- Balseros (1997)
- Dust (1998)
- Celestial Excursions (2003)
- Tap Dancing in the Sand (2004)
- Hidden Similarities (2005)
- Concrete (2006)
List of Works
LM BK010
ISBN 978-3-9813319-0-5
€36.00 (from MusikTexte)
Edition MusikTexte, Koln